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Jerry Zachary

I had dinner at Bayona on Tues., 12/27 (sweetbreads and pheasant) for the first time since Katrina, having dined there regularly since it opened, and found the food to be better than ever. I can't imagine how they are doing it without the regular staff, but I certainly intend to be back next week and the next. Bravi and thank you!


I am sure Bayona will be as great as it was prior to Katrina. The last time I dined there the food was the best in New Orleans and with Susan's commitment I am sure she will continue to be one of New Orleans best! P.S I am one of Chris's instructors!

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New York writer Betsy Andrews volunteers in some of New Orleans' best restaurant kitchens as they struggle to bounce back after Hurricane Katrina. Here, she reports on the daily successes and setbacks and shares her own experiences.

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